Tuesday, November 02, 2010


As we vote today, it is a somber thought when we recall those who live under the boot of tyrants. Yesterday I told you about the brutalization of Reina Luisa Tamayo Danger, a Cuban grandmother and dissident activist who, since the murder of her son Orlando, has become one of the leaders of the peaceful Cuban protest for freedom from the iron-fisted rule of the Castro brothers.

Following an immediate international outrage over her beating and jailing, this gutsy lady was released from jail, where we have now learned that she was shouting "Freedom!" over and over from her dungeon cell, and thus she was beaten in the mouth and her mouth stuffed with a rag soaked in gasoline.

Tamayo's three sons and their wives are still being held in jail by Castro's police. It is curious to see how none of this has made generally the US news circuit (other than Miami newsmedia of course) while making news all over the rest of the world.

Reina Luisa has been offered exile and to leave Cuba. Her answer was no! and: Freedom!

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