Monday, September 06, 2004

Jack Vettriano continues to be ignored and snubbed by the British cultural gods, and yet the self-taught ex-miner continues to leave mouths open with his Sotheby's auction sales.

The blunt, chain-smoking ex-miner had this to say about it all.
Today is my birthday.

On the road this week for a visit to Nebraska (don't ask). I will be back on Friday in time for the Bethesda Art Walk and the opening of GMU Professor Chawky Frenn at our Bethesda gallery.

Chawky Frenn is easily one of the most controversial artists in our area. Some of you may recall the noise and complaints that his recent show at Dartmouth University caused, where Frenn out-controversied Damien Hirst, who was also showing at the University at the same time.