Thursday, September 16, 2004

Jeffry Cudlin of the WCP, has an excellent review of the current (and next to last before she closes) show at the Elizabeth Roberts Gallery.
Glenn Dixon has several mini reviews in today's Post, including one of "Baltimore's Betsy, the Finger-Painting Chimp: A Retrospective of Her Work" at the American Dime Museum.
From New Orleans, photographer James W. Bailey sends me this great link detailing the true story of an artist and a curator and an exhibition cancelled at the last minute.

Read "Why The Exhibit Was Cancelled."
Hesh ads

In what I think is one of the most original ideas that I have been aware of in many years, Linda Hesh, whose work eloquently discusses questions of race, ethnicity and gender issues, takes her artwork to a new public level with the "Art Ads" project.

Her pieces start with a photograph of a friend, or couple, taken at a commercial portrait studio, which gives the work a common, commercial look. She then adds a statement underneath the image, or digitally changes the image itself. Hesh’s work has been shown nationally and is in the collection of the Library of Congress. More work can be seen here.

In "Art Ads", Hesh now takes her work to a new national public level and anyone can be part of it and help deliver its important message. To find out how, visit this website.
Today is the 3rd Thursday of the month, so tonight you can go and visit the 7th street corridor art galleries and art venues as part of the 3rd Thursday Gallery late hours.

Also tonight, the The Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States has its inaugural exhibition of the season with an opening reception from 6-8 PM for a group show titled "Artists of the Americas." The exhibit runs until January 16, 2005.

And tomorrow is Georgetown's turn for gallery openings.