Sunday, May 15, 2005

Back from the Festival

In spite of rain late Saturday (preceded by a brilliantly sunny day which of course resulted in a sunburn) and in spite of sprinkles throughout Sunday, the second annual Bethesda Fine Arts Festival was a spectacular success for the second year in a row. I managed to sell quite a few drawings, including a very large portrait of Frida Kahlo from my 2003 exhibition.

And loads of collectors were out and about: Pennsylvania sculptor Lorann Jacobs managed to sell every single one of her large, whimsical bronze sculptures on the first day of the festival, and New York painter David Gordon sold over $15,000 worth of his paintings plus gathered a $5,000 commission.

And many of DC Art News readers came by and said hello; it's very nice to put faces to the online hits. Also J.T. Kirkland, his mom, and the fair Brenn came by the say hello and chat for a while.

And I'm doing it all over again next weekend at the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival.