Wednesday, June 08, 2005


The winner of the Bethesda Painting Award and other prizewinners from that award's $14,000 prize package will be announced tonight.

These are the finalists.
LRA Show

Last Monday night I curated an exhibition for the League of Reston Artists... they had about 300 entries, and I selected 62.

Best of Show was awarded to Andrei Shoumikhin, whose work I had never seen before, but that showed that superb technical skill that a lot of Eastern European artists seem to acquire in their educational systems, and it was coupled with a very unusual and noticeable artistic vision.

There was $1,500 in cash awards that I distributed among several artists. I'll get a list of award winners posted here a bit later. The opening reception is June 19 from 2-4 PM. Details here.
Seven Update Four

The entries are pouring in for Seven; the deadline is June 10.

I really want to include in this show as many (in terms of number) WPA/C members as possible, with a healthy measure of those who are not seen too often around DC area galleries, and couple them with some well-known names like Manon Cleary, Sam Gilliam, and others. That seems to be working well so far, but expect a very large show.

The latest addee is Margaret Boozer, whose brilliant last solo show at Strand On Volta Gallery I reviewed here.

Boozer will be making a long, low shelf/trough that turns a corner somewhere, and pouring the liquid slip in it, and maybe letting it run out just a little at the end and puddle on the floor. She's thinking it might run along about 18 inches above the floor, and it seems like a logical progression to a similar idea of the "wet" piece that she had at her last solo show.