Friday, September 16, 2005

I went to the opening of "Mirrors: Contemporary Mexican Artists in the United States," last Wednesday at The Cultural Institute of Mexico, and it was packed.

The exhibition, curated by my good friend Santiago Espinoza de los Monteros was absolutely terrific, and if I have time, I will return to it and write more extensively about it.

My top pick for the group was the astonishing work by San Diego artist Marianela de la Hoz, who displayed a set of tiny tempera miniatures that were absolutely breathtaking in detail, composition and intelligent titles that became doors into the psyche of the painting.

Hoy estuve tejiendo con el estambre de tus ojos

"Hoy estuve tejiendo con el estambre de tus ojos"
Egg tempera on board
3.9 x 1.9 in. c.2003