WaPo Editorial Cartoonist of the FutureThe
washingtonpost.com is seeking an "Editorial Cartoonist of the Future" with a digital animation competition!
washingtonpost.com has launched a competition to find digital animators interested in exploring the world of editorial cartooning.
The Editorial Shorts Digital Animation Competition is looking for digital artists and humorists to submit short-form (3 minutes or less) animated commentary focused on current political or topical issues. Entries must be designed, edited or distributed in digital form.
Entry details may be found at
Hal Straus, Opinions editor for
washingtonpost.com, said
"The Washington Post print edition has a 125 year-old tradition of editorial cartooning that has influenced opinion and covered both the drama and comedy of news and politics. We thought it would be interesting for washingtonpost.com to see who out there is interested in picking up the mantle for the digital age."The winner of the competition, to be announced in January 2006, will get visibility for his or her entry in a special section Opinions in the
Deadline for entry is December 31, 2005.
Entries will be judged on humor, originality, use of the medium and topical relevance.
Judges for the competition include representatives from the editorial divisions of
washingtonpost.com and
The Washington Post, as well as
RES Media Group, the publishers of
RES digital media magazine and coordinators of the multi-city RES Digital Film Festival.
Media or competition inquiries, contact:
Eric Easter at eric.easter@wpni.com.