Friday, May 05, 2006

Wanna go to an opening tonight?

Hemphill Fine Arts' opening for the new Steven Cushner show is tonight, Friday, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

Irvine is having an informal re-opening tonight at their new gallery at the former Fusebox location at 1412 14th Street, with a continuation of Susan Jamison's and Robert Mellor's solo exhibitions, and they will be open from 11AM - 8PM today and tomorrow.

Talking about Irvine, I've heard from various sources that Heather (or maybe it was Martin?) saw the Washington Glass School's intern Evan Morgan's show at Warehouse and fell in love with Morgan's work and signed him up!

I hear from Tim Tate that Evan Morgan is immensely talented, and now that Irvine scooped him up, I am sure that we'll hear great things from this young man.
WaPo's Weekend Staff Online

The WaPo's Weekend staffers are online at 11AM today answering questions about Weekend and its coverage. You can email your question to them here.

I've sent mine in...