Monday, May 22, 2006

Online grilling

Last Sunday's Washington Post Magazine did something quite out of the ordinary: it actually had a profile of a DC area artist: Allen D. Carter.

And one of DC Art News readers wrote to me that
"it's INFURIATING thru the whole article they keep referring to some museum in North Carolina where Carter's work will be featured in group show... after searching on the curator's name you can dig up The Louise Wells Cameron Art Museum. Would it kill them to mention the name of the museum? would this kind of writing be tolerated for a political story or a sports story? That town hall meeting that happened somewhere in North Carolina? That game that was played somewhere in the south? I dont think so..."
Good points!

And then today, the author of the piece, Mary Battiata, was online discussing the article (I was away all day and missed it!) and answering questions and yikes... was she grilled!

Everything is online here.