Saturday, July 15, 2006

Who's he calling an idiot?

Jackie Trescott has an interesting interview and profile with the Corcoran's new director: Paul Greenhalgh.

Pronounced Green-halggg, or maybe Green-HA-elgg; no wait: Green-halsh! In what language does "halg" sound like "halsh" anyway... silly Brits.

Anyway, it sounds like Greenhalgh is taking the Corcoran by the horns and doing a superb job so far - this appears to be a man who knows that he needs to clean up house, fix it up and then re-establish it as one of America's great art venues. So far it seems like his hiring was the right thing and the right choice.

And I like Greenhalgh's firmness in his words and beliefs.

And I wonder if he is responding to the Blake Gopnik recommendation that the Corcoran become a museum of photography when he says:
"The idea that you would brand yourself with one message is, of course, the idiot's approach to museums," he says. "Museums are complicated places. There is no reason we can't be the edgiest institution and the most experimental over a period of years."
Now, that's what I call a response... if he's responding... ehr.. to the photography idea... that is.
Last night

Great opening at my last show with Fraser Gallery. Thanks to all of you who came by to say "goodbye" and "hello" in my new incarnation sans Fraser.

NBC 4 was there filming the opening and discussing my next moves and the history of DC Art News, etc. They also interviewed the fair Katie Tuss, who will be one of the writers helping me expand DC Art News.

There were also a couple of newspaper writers, a few gallerists (I finally met face to face with Nevin Kelly), some curators, a museum director and tons of artists and friends. Thanks to all of you for coming.

Brisk sales, including both pieces by Amy Lin, who is very hot right now - my advice: Buy Lin now before she skyrockets. Lin is currently in at least two more shows around town and selling well everywhere. And she should sign up with a gallery soon.

Best in show winner was a new artist (new to me anyway): Taryn Wells from Medfield, Mass. Powerful, powerful skilled drawings that convey not only exceptional techical skill but also that immensely hard ability to deliver a powerful message via a visual image.

Halfbreed by Taryn Wells

Both of Wells' pieces also sold as soon as the show opened, and I see bright things in the future of this artist.

Award winners:

Best in Show: Taryn Wells

First Place: Andrew Decaen
Second Place: Joseph Hamilton
Third Place: Jenny Davis

Hon. Mention: Anna Conti
Hon Mention: Roland Delcol
Hon. Mention: Angela Grey