Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Crazy December

I'm gonna pack the miles in December. Between flying to California, and then to Florida and a gazillion parties and things to do in DC, will make for a crazy month, so please check often, as the posting will be done at all times of the day.
Educating Blake

As we all know, WaPo art critic Blake Gopnik is a devoted acolyte of the "painting is dead" gospel. Perhaps he should attend this panel in order to realize that as long as there are artists, painting will never die:
Roundtable Discussion: Fresh Paint: Process and Possibility

Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 7-9 p.m at the Arlington Arts Center.

Why is process a fresh topic these days? Fourteen invited artists from around the region, including Anthony Brock, Byron Clercx, Eric Finzi, Pat Goslee, Christopher P. Hoeting, Tati Kaupp, Kevin Kepple, Isabel Manalo, Michael Matarese, Cara Ober, Susan Palmisano, Stefan Prosky, Lynda Ray and Shinji Turner-Yamamoto will discuss why paint is their medium of choice.

As well, they will discuss why they use a variety of alternative painting techniques and materials (including robots that sing and make art) in search of mystery, pattern and meaning, and as a significant way to question contemporary life. Carol Lukitsch, curator of FRESH PAINT: Process and Possibility will also moderate this important roundtable discussion.
By the way, the opening reception for the show is Friday, December 8, 6-9 pm.