Call to Artists
WHERE: Bethesda, MD
*Complimentary breakfast and lunch for participating artists.
*Free parking within 1 block.
*Limited to 140 booth spaces of juried fine art and fine craft.
*Estimated attendance: 20,000.
*$2,500 in cash awards.
*24-hour security.
*Booth sitters.
*Entry/booth fees: $30/$425 (10x10); $850 (10x20).
WHAT: An Outdoor Fine Arts Festival
WHERE: Bethesda, MD
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday
May 10-11, 2014
*Complimentary breakfast and lunch for participating artists.
*Free parking within 1 block.
*Limited to 140 booth spaces of juried fine art and fine craft.
*Estimated attendance: 20,000.
*$2,500 in cash awards.
*24-hour security.
*Booth sitters.
*Entry/booth fees: $30/$425 (10x10); $850 (10x20).
*For more details about the show, click HERE
The Bethesda Fine Arts Festival was ranked #78 of the 200 Best Shows in the USA by Sunshine Artist
Magazine in September, 2008, making it the highest ranked fine art
festival in Maryland. Artists report consistently high sales every
year. Electronic application available on the festival's website.