Friday, February 13, 2015

Artists prisoners of Castro

Today join the Twitter demonstration (#FreeTaniaAngelElSexto) demanding the freedom of:

Danilo Maldonado, a Cuban artist known as "El Sexto," who has been imprisoned since December 26th, 2014 -- pursuant to the Obama-Castro deal.

Angel Santiesteban-Prats, a Cuban novelist who has been imprisoned since February, 28, 2013, and was left behind by the Obama-Castro deal.

Tania Bruguera, a New York-based Cuban artist, who was temporarily arrested on December 30, 2014 for organizing a free speech performance entitled #YoTambienExijo -- pursuant to the Obama-Castro deal. She had her passport confiscated and is not allowed to leave the island.


This is what you get when you Google images for "Washington, DC artists." 

This is what you get when you Google images for "Maryland artists."

This is what you get when you Google images for "Virginia artists."

This is what you get when your Google image "Obama paintings."

This is what you get when you Google image "Bush paintings."

Cough, cough...