Friday, July 14, 2017

Unexpected overnight in Toronto

Anderson Campello overlooking Downtown Toronto
Airline policies, pilot's bad decisions, weather... all contributed to us sitting on the runway at Dulles for nearly three hours, baking in the sun --- so we missed our connections in Toronto and had to spring for a pricey room overnight - we're now scheduled to leave tomorrow morning for Halifax with a stop in Ottawa.

Airborne today

Flying cartoon by Campello
Heading to Halifax, Nova Scotia via Toronto!

And the sculpture comes down

Bowing to a wave of criticism over a gallows-like work intended for its revamped Sculpture Garden, the Walker Art Center will dismantle the piece. 
"Scaffold," a two-story-high sculpture, partly inspired by the gallows where 38 Dakota Indians were hanged in Mankato in 1862, prompted an outcry from the state's American Indian communities. It had been set to debut on June 3, along with more than a dozen new works at the Minneapolis center.
Read the whole article here.