Saturday, June 25, 2016

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: June 28, 2016

This juried exhibition invites explores issues of the theme “Peep Show.” The juror is Kate Kunau, who is the Associate Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. Originally, peep shows were images viewed through a barrier revealing titillating glimpses of the human body. Images of the body, in part or whole, close up, from a distance, in all styles and media are welcome.

Details: 319-431-2669 OR

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Lenster in the news

His piece in the exhibit is made from a newspaper dated July 4, 1976, and has as its central focus the island of Cuba. 
Campello told CNS that if he had stayed in Cuba, his art would be controlled by the government there because it dictates everything, including what constitutes art work. "It would have been my work with an approval stamp by some bureaucrat in the communist dictatorship," he said. The artwork was his proposal for admission to the University of Washington School of Art in Seattle, where he studied.  
A newer piece by Campello in the exhibit is titled "Running Towards Freedom (Heading to the New American Embassy)," showing a young Cuban girl running away from her country to freedom. 
"She has left everything behind, naked, and there is nothing but light in front of her and she is leaving all the darkness behind," he said.
Read the whole article by Ana Franco-Guzman in the Boston Pilot about the Looking Glass: Artists Immigrant to Washington exhibit at the Katzen Museum here. By the way, that collage (see below), which was part of The Andres Fernandez Collection in New Jersey, has been gifted to American University!

Isla Balsera (Happy Bicentennial America - Wishing We Were There)
1976 by F. Lennox Campello

Collage. 26x34 inches
Courtesy of Alida Anderson Art Projects

Thursday, June 23, 2016

At the Altar

Here's my newest work... it will soon be heading to New York (unless you intercept it and buy it from the gallery now). The latest in my marriage of drawing and technology (in this case still digital photography from Google Images with some specific search parameters).  

Send me an email if you'd like to add it to your collection and I will put you in touch with the gallery.

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography  Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components  F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016
Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016

Young Photographer, Overwhelmed by the Diversity of Photography
Charcoal, Conte and Embedded Electronic Components
F. Lennox Campello. 19x38 inches, c. 2016