Tuesday, July 05, 2016

First Show for Newly Juried Torpedo Factory Artist

One of the Torpedo Factory's newest artists, Richard Greenway, exhibits his paintings at The Associates Gallery (TAG) in his first solo show. The show runs from July 19 through August 14 in studio 311.

Decathect: a verb
105 N. Union Street, Alexandria, VA
Studio 311
July 19 – August 14
Open 7 days a week

Facebook censorship

As we have all read all over, Facebook was recently busted for censoring conservative views... but:
But conservatives are far from being the only people who feel wronged by Facebook. They’re simply the loudest. As someone who has followed the issue of online censorship by corporations for more than half a decade, I can say with certainty that this incident has received more attention than nearly any other. For years, activists of many stripes (including conservatives) have complained about the social media platform’s censorious ways. This year, we’ve seen complaints from groups from groups across nearly every walk of life. Here are ten recent examples.
Read the whole article by Jillian C. York here.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

A happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans, with a special thought to all the men and women at sea serving in America's Navy! We've got your back!