Friday, October 01, 2004

The Vampire Rises Again

"A group of works by Damien Hirst, including his famous tiger shark suspended in formaldehyde and "Hymn," his monumental bronze anatomical model, as well as pieces by fellow British artists Tracey Emin, Jenny Saville, Sarah Lucas, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Marc Quinn, and Chris Ofili, among many others, are to be removed from display at the Saatchi Gallery. In their place comes an exhibition, "The triumph of painting" which opens in January 2005 to mark the 20th anniversary of the gallery."
The new show is devoted to the work of five painters, Peter Doig, Luc Tuymans, Marlene Dumas, Jörg Immendorf, and Martin Kippenberger, described by Charles Saatchi as "key European artists."

If you are one of those critics or curators who have been trumpeting the "death of painting" for the last four decades: your flag-bearer just went to the other side.

Read the entire Art Newspaper story here. (Thanks AJ).

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