Friday, November 17, 2006

Artist Websites

Artists are always emailing me and asking me at various forums questions about website design for their art.

The KISS rule really applies here: Keep It Simple Stupid.

Avoid cute little buttons; have your contact info on every page; keep the site clean and minimalist and professional; and offer (not force) info. Above all, avoid cute little musical backgrounds and annoying flash loaders.

In the 21st century, the digital footprint is as important as a telephone and a business card, so everyone who is serious about their artwork should and must have an online presence.

DC area artist Rosetta DeBerardinis, a proud Vassar alumni (I discovered that in her website), has a new website and it is a perfect example of good and easy design that offers all the visual info needed for an artist website.

According to the website itself, it was designed by, so consider this an unrequested plug for them.

Visit her new website here.

1 comment:

  1. clara6:19 AM

    i'm sorry, but those are terrible website templates. and you have to pay???? even worse. indexhibit is much better.

