Friday, December 01, 2006

O'Sullivan in the WaPo
"Hoping to foster a little cross-pollination in the visual arts scenes of Washington, Baltimore and Richmond, the Washington Project for the Arts/Corcoran's ongoing series of "Exchange" exhibitions -- in which art spaces from those cities have been trading shows with one another -- is a great idea, if for no other reason than it saves gas. Washington art lovers curious about what's going on in the Baltimore scene, for instance, had the recent opportunity to find out (without driving an hour) when the WPA/C, in a collaboration with Baltimore's Creative Alliance, brought a slew of Charm City's finest to the Warehouse for a showcase earlier this fall. At the same time, Baltimoreans could check out what Washington had to offer at a simultaneous roundup of D.C. artists there. (Both have since closed.)

The final two "Exchange" installments are on view now: "Richmond @ DC" at the D.C. Arts Center, and its counterpart, "DC @ Richmond," at that city's Gallery5. (Oddly, the triangle was left incomplete, with no art-swap planned between Richmond and Baltimore. Oh, well. Maybe next year.)"
Read the WaPo review here.

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