Sunday, July 29, 2007

Johnny Cash

Like many people my age, when I was a kid in Brooklyn, I grew up knowing who Johnny Cash was and who Ray Charles was, but I was not at all interested in their music.

I find it peculiar that now, after the two hit biographical movies came out about these two music giants (and both Jamie Fox and Joaquin Phoenix did such great jobs in recreating Charles and Cash's music), my interest -- along that of millions of new fans -- has been kindled for their music.

My house backs to up to a large park in Media, PA, and they have a stage there which is set-up for outdoor concerts, sort of a mini Wolf Trap. I can walk there from my house, so once in a while we walk and sit in for whoever is playing.

Last night Johnny Cash was playing. Well, actually David Stone and the Johnny Cash Experience, but let me tell you, this man was amazing!

He is not a Johnny Cash impersonator, but clearly a highly talented artist and someone who has studied Cash's life, music, mannerisms, voice and style for many, many years, and now delivers a nearly scary ability to assume the role of the man in black.

He was really good.

Stone did not try to impersonate Cash, but rather walked the audience through Cash's life and music, while at the same time sounding, looking and playing exactly like the real man in black.

The few thousand people in the audience -- which covered the whole range of ages, although oddly enough I noticed a lot of tattooed women, not just one or two tattoos either, but whole arms and chests covered in them -- really enjoyed Stone's performance and were on their feet several times.

He was really good.

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