Friday, April 25, 2008

Seeing double

One of the below invite cards is from the Corcoran's new "Anonymous" fundraising exhibition, the other is from the Washington Project for the Arts' own series of "Anonymous" fundraising shows...

Corcoran Anon Postcard

WPA Anon Postcard


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The word copycat comes to mind.


  2. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Note, also, that the WPA's card is for Anonymous III ... as in, they've already done this fundraiser three times. Lame lame lame, Zoe Myers. Lame, lame, lame, Corcoran.

  3. Why is this also Zoe's fault? I don't get it?

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    So disappointed to see the Corcoran has not only hijacked this event from WPA, but the participating artists have misdirected their support. Is it strange that the graphic design is the same, the keynote artists are the same, and the entire fundraising premise is the same, yet the beneficiary is a different 501(c) organization?

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Zoe Myers is a member of the Friends of the Corcoran steering committee who, coincidentally, started interacting with the WPA a lot more last year, including hosting a WPA event at her gallery. It was Zoe who sent out emails -- including, I heard, to the WPA themselves -- asking for artists to donate work to this blatantly carbon-copied fundraiser.

