Thursday, May 22, 2008

AOM Visit One

On the way to my AOM panel I did a whirlwind tour through the 700 artists at Artomatic and my very first impressions is that this is the best AOM ever.

I know that this comes from an AOM supporter without objectivity on the subject, but it also comes from someone who has examined and visited every single AOM in details, explored every gallery and every artist since it all started a decade ago.

The work that the ceramicists have self-curated and installed is worthy of being in a museum show, both in quality and presentation.

I will be back with a more detailed visit, my top picks from the show, my "new discoveries" and a review and videos.

Below is a photo from last night's panel, which was very well attended and could have gone for hours! There is soooooo much thirst out there for information!

Memo to Philippa: Let's do this again soon with a 2-3 hour window for questions and discussions - I'm game!

Philippa Hughes
Above: Philippa Hughes introduces the panel: Dr. Fred Ognibene, (me missing and taking photo), Martin Irvine, JW Mahoney and Sharon Burton.

Update: Ann Marchand has a great report and pics here.

