Friday, May 23, 2008


A while back I teased you with some big news to come... OK so it is big news for me.

I'm going national!

Not "Daily Campello Art News" - we're staying here and we're gonna be here for a long time, but I have joined a three person team of visual art bloggers over at ARTtistics to begin something new and interesting in the visual arts blogsphere.

Together with Annette Monier from Philly's Fallon & Rosof artblog and Connecticut's Bill Gusky, we've been fotunate enough to have been invited by Mind's Eye to begin a new blog that will allow us to be funded to travel around to see exhibitions and artists around the nation, review them, interview them, discuss them, etc.

I will be posting there often, so make sure that part of your daily ritual, after you check in here, is to visit Arttistics every day.

Goin' Nat!


  1. *puts down popcorn*

    That's pretty freakin' big! Congrats!

    I think it's amusing that bloggerdom was once looked upon by some in the "legitimate media" as a bunch of "red headed step-children" (no offense meant to red headed step-children). Now, blogs are legitimate media. Power to the people!

  2. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Oh, congratulations to you and your crew! (she says as she opens her blogroll)

