Saturday, June 28, 2008

Artists' Websites: Emily Piccirillo

"Present Perfect" (detail) by Emily Piccirillo

Emily Piccirillo is stretching the definitions of painting, installations and sculpture. Her work is not only superbly attractive, but also presented in such a way to make it creative and new in its format alone. All about her work here.


  1. I swear, the lenghths some people will go to to avoid going to a frame shop! (Kidding, Lenny)

    These are amazing paintings and very well presented. Where is she showing?

    My biggest beef with artists and, often, with galleries (as a professional framer) is crappy presentation. Whether the artist didn't care enough to do a good job or they overdo the framing such that it overpwoers the art it contains. Many sales are lost because of poor presentation. Why isn't this taught in Art Schools?

  2. I agree! I have never understood why artists - not all but many - are so bad at framing and the presentation of their work - oh wait! I know why: Art Schools do NOT teach this...

