Friday, September 12, 2008

DC International Arts Expo opens next week

Wash DC Int'l Art Fair
The Washington DC International Arts Expo is coming to the DC Convention Center next week, the hard work of artist Lisa Jones and The Collective. This will be the second year for the Expo and over 100 artists and galleries from around the country are expected.

Details here.


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Does anyone know where you can find a list of exhibiting artists? Looks like a media campaign/give-us-money/art feed-lot more than an actual "arts expo"

  2. They are listed in a streaming red banner across the main page once you enter the site.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    You're supposed to sit there and SLOWLLLLY watch all the artists stream across the top of the website?


    If I were a collector I'd want lists and tear sheets.

    By the way it says "SOME OF THE ARTISTS EXHIBITING"

  4. Good point... I'm hoping the fair succeeds, and when it does, it really needs to scrap this website and have a new one, more professional, built for next year.

