Friday, November 07, 2008

El Mejor Arte Cubano

The work is hung and looks beautiful, and the usual hiccups are mostly out of the way, and the really cool spaces of H&F Fine Arts look great full of work by some of the best known Cuban artists from Cuba and from the Cuban Diaspora.

On the walls are drawings, photographs, paintings and etchings by Magdalena Campos-Pons, Kcho, Sandra Ramos, Cirenaica Moreira, Marta Maria Perez Bravo, Aimee Garcia Marrero and Roberto Acosta Wong.

Isla by Sandra Ramos

"Isla" Mixed media collage by Sandra Ramos

As far as I know, these will be the first time that both Kcho (Alexis Leyva Machado) and Magda Campos-Pons have exhibited in the Greater DC area, although they are both in the permanent collection of MoMA and other major museums around the world.

The opening is tomorrow night, Saturday Nov. 8 from 5-8PM at H&F Fine Arts, located at 3311 Rhode Island Avenue, Mount Rainier, Maryland and their gallery phone is 301/887-0080.

See ya there!

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