Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Artomatic 2009

Artomatic, the open art show that traditional art critics hate and that everyone else loves is coming back to the DMV in 2009 and they've got a party for new and returning volunteers.

The party to volunteer for Artomatic 2009 is December 20th, 1-3 pm at Onyx Apartments
(1100 First St, SE, Washington DC 20003).

Details here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, how did I end up here? Well I was looking for an imagine of a 2005 Ford Ranger dark green....and it gave me your lovely picture in the top corner of your blog... funny that doesn't look like a pick up truck to me...maybe a cross between a superhero and an angel who need picking up? Anyway however weird the reason, I'm glad to have found you, and I don't watch tv, but completely understand and agree with you on how annoying the slackness of not caring about the details... burrito indeed!
    Merry Christmas and Happy days to you. TAT

