Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ronaldus Magnus
Nearly 38 million Americans watched inauguration coverage of President Barack Obama on Tuesday, the most popular inauguration day on television since Ronald Reagan took office in 1981.

Nielsen Media Research said Reagan's 41.8 million remains the record.
Details from the HuffPost here.

Also in the HuffPost is this story about MSNBC's poor ratings. I can understand that; during the election year, I was an avid MSNBC watcher.

But somehow now that the election is over, and we're all trying real hard to support the new president, and unity is the word in the air, MSNBC (especially the once fun Keith Olbermann, whose feud with Bill O'Reilly has gone from funny to stupid) seems boring, repetitive and divisive, and more and more a self-licking ice cream that is more and more the exaggerated ying to the FoxNews' yang.

So part of my "change" resolution for 2009 is to stop paying attention to those from the extreme right and the nutty left who profit by feeding us division as the only solution.

And to create more art.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Brilliant post. I completely identify with your sentiment here.

