Saturday, March 07, 2009

Artists' Websites: Kathryn Cornelius

DC uberartist and my good friend Kathryn Cornelius was once described snarkely as a "barely emerging artist." But the snarky comment backfired and success is the best revenge, and Cornelius has become one of the district's best known and most ubiquitous artists.

And it has been a busy couple of months for her... in February she exhibited with Your Last Neighbor and Transformer at VIDEOYO! in DC... This exhibition has since travelled to Delaware, and the opening of VIDEYO! Part Deux! is at the New Wilmington Art Association tonight, 6-10pm. The show/s are curated by Breck Omar Brunson and feature DC, Philly, and NYC-based artists.

Also in February, artist Lisa Marie Thalhammer and Cornelius put on a performance event called Soup Kitchen.

The piece was a part of Transformer's Summer Camp series. You can see pics on Transformer's site here and on their Facebook profile.

Also, in December she was profiled in the DC Modern Luxury magazine (along with some other great DC art folks!).

Also, if you are in DC, next Thursday evening from 6:30-9:30pm, she will be giving an artist talk entitled "IDEAS ART FREE," presented by Meat Market Gallery as the inaugural event in their Red Tape: Artist Talks series.

My good friend Jeffry Cudlin, Director of Exhibitions at the Arlington Arts Center (and the author of Cornelius' 2007 Curator's Office solo show essay), will give an introduction and she will share some of her past works, discuss a few of the major themes explored, and give a sneak preview of a few new pieces. Please RSVP to if you can make it.

Visit her new website here.

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