Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Things I'm Sick and Tired Of

Sorry about the dangling preposition, but I've just about had it with irony in contemporary art.

Suddenly, all of that work seems heavy handed and cheesy.


  1. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Lenny, Adam from WPA here. I would recommend rereading JW Mahoney's introduction to the Fast Forward auction. It is pretty spot-on concerning artists and art in DC. It will make you happy. A.

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anna Dezeuze writes about the emergence of conceptual art by saying: "rather than seeking to transform society, this new aesthetic [,conceptual art,] contented itself with reporting, often with humor, wit, poetry, or melancholy, on things as they were."

    Perhaps, it's not that you have "had it with irony in contemporary art," but rather that you have just simply had it with conceptual art and the fact that conceptual art is (in your opinion) too prominent in the contemporary world.

    Reference: Dezeuze, Anna, The 1960s: A Decade Out-of-Bounds. A Companion to Contemporary Art since 1945, ed. Amelia Jones. Blackwell Publishing, Malde, MA. 2006.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Amen. I would also add "lame" to your list of "heavy handed and cheesy."

  4. You've got much more patience than me if you're just now tired of it!

