Saturday, July 25, 2009

Things I don't understand

Why do couples bring their kids to Las Vegas? From rugrats to pre-teens to teens all wondering around the halls adjacent to the gaming areas.

I guess this is how the gambling seed is planted on the young: shine all the pretty lights and sounds of gambling in front of their eyes, but forbid them from entering the area.

And as soon as the right age is achieved: booze and chips galore!


  1. When I was nine (1970) and we were traveling cross-country, my parents stopped in Reno to check out the casinos. At the time, there was a "kiddie room," where people parked their kids. I remember it as hell--dark, no windows and lots of squealing. Books with pages missing. Toys that were sticky and disgusting. Think I might have preferred wandering the halls . . . .

  2. "mommy, daddy, why are those men handing out baseball cards of naked ladies on the street?"

    "those are titty cards junior. that's how the nice ladies in vegas advertise, son. collect all you want, people throw perfectly good ones on the ground. just don't let your mom see."

  3. I remember in the early 70's when my mother and friends used to go to Vegas once a year with friends just to see an Elvis show. She always said the city was not suitable for children...sounds like not much has changed and mom was right.

  4. Steve2:28 PM

    Ever since the mid 1990's Las Vegas has been marketing itself as a family destination. They build theme parks and rollercoasters to appeal to the younger crowd.

    This is not your parents Las Vegas. This is one for the entire family to visit and enjoy. I support their family marketing efforts.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Maybe they're trying to lose the kids.

  6. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Well, it does not sound like the family marketing efforts are succeeding. Children wandering the halls near the gaming area is not good.

    I'll still take the silly teacups at disney anytime.

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I visited Vegas a few years ago and loved that it didn't have the pretentious "family" BS that Orlando has. They no longer advertise as family friendly to my knowledge. There were boobs, booze and gambling all over! I did see one loser parent huddled in front a slot machine, the closest one to the ropes, while his young children watched. At one point, the guy yelled back over his shoulder at them, "Don't go anywhere! Keep your toes at the rope!"

