Andrew Wodzianski art month continues in DC with the opening of Wodzianski's Abra Cadaver in Bethesda's Fraser Gallery tonight, with an opening reception from 6-8PM. I am told that there may be a surprise in store for one of the District's better known art critics and that the surprise was almost revealed in the back pages of yesterday's Express newspaper. From what I can see of the exhibition here, it has some new clever pieces from Andrew's android series.
Last night's opening at Flashpoint was packed, and although the artist was there all night, no one saw him, as he spent the entire opening inside a white casket being guarded by two very efficient, very pretty nurses.

I noticed quite a few red dots, and people were also buzzing about the scavenger hunt associated with the opening, with several of the paintings in the show as the free prize for the hunt winners. Throughout the month, the artist will release a series of five clues via Twitter ( Five people will ultimately have the chance to win a painting from the exhibition.

There was also a good assortment of the usual suspects at the opening, and I had a chance to shake hands and kiss cheeks of people that I had not seen in a long time since I had moved away to Philly.
Kristina Bilonick and Philippa P.B. Hughes
Steve Krensky with one of the nurses
Wodzianski will actually be present and meeting people in tonight's opening at the Fraser Gallery. The gallery is at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda, just a couple of blocks from the Metro.
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