Sunday, December 06, 2009

Art fair horror story

On Friday a gallery at the fair makes a substantial double sale of two very large paintings to a local collector. He tells them that he's hosting a party on Saturday night and asks if the gallerists can deliver the painting after the fair closes later that night.

They drive to his home, which is clearly the home of someone of considerable financial health. Once there, the gallery's staff volunteers to install the two pieces, which actually becomes quite difficult as the large paintings, installed side by side have little room for maneuvering.

The next day the collector contacts them and let's them know how everyone at the party really liked the work, and was complimenting the home owner on his artistic acumen and taste.

Later this afternoon the collector's neighbor (yes, his neighbor), calls the gallery and informs them that the paintings are being returned as the "energy of the paintings is disturbing the home owner."

Later that day, the neighbor (yes again, the neighbor) shows up at the fair and returns the two works.

The perils of the artworld.


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Wow. I didn't realize galleries accepted returns, especially at an art fair.

  2. get the money up front, for god's sake

