Thursday, December 03, 2009

At the end of the day

The VIP night was last night and the beer, wine and absinthe was flowing in large quantities at Red Dot.

Funny how things work out, but I had predicted that this piece below would sell right away, and it did, but not before I got loads of comments about it from the crowd. Most were anti-Guevara types - this is Miami after all - but I did get into an interesting discussion with an elder gentleman who seemed offended that I had taken such stance against the icon known as Che.

“ASEre ¿SI o NO? Che Guevara laughs by F. Lennox Campello

“ASEre ¿SI o NO?
6x16 in. framed to 14x22. Charcoal and Conte on Paper. 2009.
F. Lennox Campello

I asked him if he had ever read Guevara's own diaries, writing and speeches.


I win. At the end, as he walked away he handed me his card. He was a visitor from Cuba. No wonder.

At the end of the day you get nothing from nothing.

At the end of the day we also sold a major Tim Tate to an Alabama collector and several Heather Bryant lithos.

Tim Tate

A Question Of Evolution. Blown and Cast Glass. electronics and video. Tim Tate. 2009.

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