Monday, February 22, 2010

What is fair use on the Internet?

Maryland Art Place will be presenting an "Internet Copyright Workshop" and it will be presented with the Maryland Lawyers for the Arts.

When: Saturday, March 6, 2-5PM

Who: Artist Stacia Yeapanis shares her experience and Attorney Cynthia Blake Sanders offers advice: "Internet Fair Use Do’s and Don’ts + Problem-Solving Work Session"
The Internet is a vast networking system for artists to deliver images of their work to the public. Internet regulations are meant to protect everyone. However, the law can be an obstacle to contemporary art production. Join us to find out why. Artists welcome to bring examples of your digital appropriations!

Free and Open to the Public - Space Limited
Registration is required and can be done by sending an email to:


  1. That's Great!! A Informative Session and artist have an opportunity to listen experience of Stacia.

  2. I'm going to copy that entire article and repost it, uncredited, on my site!

    (I'm kidding.)

