Monday, March 15, 2010


I'm putting all my tax stuff in order for my accountant and I was a little shocked to find out that 2009 was my best year ever as far as sales of my own work.

The art fairs really did the trick, as my work seems to really do two key things to succeed at an art fair: (a) doesn't take a lot of expensive wall space, and (b) sells really well, and (c) I'm usually one of two or three artists doing drawings at any fair.

And 2010 started really nicely already; in fact, I'm having the best year in every aspect of my life so far!

Life's good...


  1. Congratulations Lenny. You are also a hard working artist. You deserve the success.

  2. This is good to hear Lenny, as I have slid away from the fairs they are all so important!

    I look forward to getting back tom the public!

  3. Congratulations! I am happy for you.

