Thursday, May 20, 2010

International Draw Mohammed Day

Today is the International Draw Mohammed Day.
"... an event organized to protest the violence faced by artists, cartoonists, and creators of all stripes who would exercise their free speech to parody or even depict the Prophet Muhammed as they would any other religious or political figure, and the chilling effect those threats have upon free speech."
Details here and below is my contribution:

Draw Mohammad Day cartoon
At the celestial coffee shop, all the other deities hated it when Mohammed ordered to go

1 comment:

  1. Lenny,

    Because of my ring wing Bible thumpin' Christian religious credentials within the broader community of contemporary American artists, I've been asked by Sheik Yerbouti, my Islamofascist counterpart in Pakistan, to alert you to the fact that a Fatwa has been issued by him against you for the publication on your blog of the drawing in question.

    Sheik Yerbouti has asked me to ask you to voluntarily surrender yourself to his Taliban assistants at a secret location in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan, such location to be provided to you when you board your private chartered al Qaeda flight that will depart from Miami.

    I believe they intend to punish you for your crime against Allah by forcibly removing your mustach one hair at a time with a pair of rusty twezzers before sending you across the border to Pakistan where you'll be forced to teach a Taliban-approved series of art classes - titled A Happy Jihadi Artist Is An Artist That Paints The American Devil Just Like Thomas Kincade Would Paint The American Devil If Thomas Kincade Were So Inclined To Paint Devils - at various George Soros-sponsored art school madrassas.

