Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Painter of Light" arrested
Thomas Kinkade, the self-described “Painter of Light,” was arrested Friday night outside of Carmel on suspicion of drunk driving.
Read the details here.


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "knicknacks his company has produced — cups, dishes, calendars, lamps, puzzles, teddy bears, Christmas tree ornaments, even a La-Z-Boy reclining chair" ...I was taught how to sign someone's name- I didn't like it, so I quit, and since I quit I have wondered for years how some people make their mark. Is it the money or the vision?

  2. I guess Thomas Kinkade is going all Jackson Pollock on us now.

    I'm anxious to see how he renders the quality of light that streams through a jail cell.

