Thursday, July 01, 2010

I've had it

BP Oil Spill cartoon

This has nothing to do with art, but I've had it.

I've had it with the incompetence of this government and BP in dealing with the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. I've had it with BP and the US Government and their excuses. I don't want to hear any more excuses as to why we have over 1,000 oil skimming ships in this country and they're everywhere but the Gulf. I don't want to hear any more excuses as to why we didn't accept foreign help to clean up the Gulf until a few days ago. I don't want to know why the world's largest oil skimmer is just getting there and then heading to a port, rather than getting to work. I don't want to know why the Navy submarine rescue teams haven't been employed to help with underwater operations.

The United States government has either the most inept set of bureaucrats handling the second worst ecological oil disaster in history (so far), or the President of the United States either doesn't get it, care, or is being told and advised a bunch of bullshit.

This is a million fucking times worse than Katrina and a lot of bureaucrats don't get it, the mainstream press doesn't get it (where the fury?), even the environmental experts and nature lovers don't get it (otherwise they'd be picketing outside the White House) and the President better fucking get it soon or I fear for the health of this entire planet.


  1. Thought this was an intelligent take on the oil crisis:

  2. Anne,

    That sounds like more excuses, like saying that it wasn't Bush's fault that Katrina was a hurricane that came ashore to New Orleans.

    It isn't Obama's fault that BP screwed up and the oil is gushing, but it is the US Government's fault that offers of help weren't accepted because oh who knows, or that there aren't 1,000 oil skimming ships in the Gulf sucking up all that oil - or as much as they can - instead of a few. And only the Commander in Chief could have ordered the USN to get their underwater experts out there on day 3, rather than a couple of months later. I've had it with excuses.

  3. It's frustrating that there's no solution to this oil crisis yet (and everything I've read seems to suggest that even the pros are overwhelmed by the damage), but I'm just not convinced that Obama is being completely passive in the face of crisis, or that there were a few more oil skimmers or Navy involvement that could've made this less catastrophic. There might've been, of course. But it seems unlikely.

  4. I hear what you're saying Anne... but I keep thinking how there would have been a lot more pressure and fury if this had happened under a very unpopular President like Bush - it's all his fault right?

    It's always the Commander in Chief's fault when something goes wrong - and something has gone wrong, or perhaps, not attended to as intelligently and aggressively as the situation demands. Even some aggressive action in day 30 (like ordering every oil skimming ship to the Gulf to start gathering and recycling as much oil as they can), or lifting whatever that archaic Act is that prohibits foreign assistance.

    Some action for God's sake - that addresses the actual oil spill itself! He gets an A+ on getting BP to set the bucks asides for the victims, but a huge F for actually showing some leadership, foresight and proactiveness in dealing with the actual oil spill itself other than blaming it all on BP and letting BP run the "how do we fix this?"

    He could be directing and ordering the "how do we minimize the ecological impact and how do we maximize the clean up NOW!"

    No more excuses. Like my daughter says: fail!

  5. Anonymous11:29 PM

    i'm with you lenny. all this makes me want to spray paint a big dollar sign or 'war' on top of the obama/1984 big brother poster on 14th street dc/above logan hardware by whole foods. we were duped and it's time for the true progressives to stand up. this "all just conform and be a good skateboard tattoo kid" crap politics has to end. war is war.

  6. "Barack Obama doesn't care about Cajun people." -- James "Kanye" W."est" Bailey

    Barack Obama didn't cause the problem, but Barack Obama has willingly left the same lying evil BP mutherfuckers that DID cause the problem in charge of "fixing" the fuck up they caused for more than 70 days now.


    Can anyone reading this imagine having a surgeon massively botch an operation on your person, a botched surgery that almost costs you your life, then having the insurance company that provides malpractice insurance on the incompetent doctor in question notify you that they'll take care of everthing by having the same surgeon that fucked you up perform a corrective operation?

    That is exactly what has happened.

    The idea that BP and only BP knows how to stop this gyser of oil from destroying my part of world is's's dumb as shit.

    We who are from the Gulf Coast area are furious as hell because we expected America's smartest president in history to not act as dumb as shit. But that is exactly the was he HAS acted by acting as if BP should be left in charge because BP casued the problem. This is totally insane.

    Within mere days of Deepwater Horizon exploding and sinking to the seafloor it was clear to the rest of the world that BP was lying through its ass about the size and scope of this disaster. What did Barack Obama NOT see that all of us saw? Did he not see that lie that only 1,000 barrels of oil were "leaking" a day, when BP later said, 'Uh, it might be 5,000 gallons a day, y'all.'

    And from there the lies just got bigger and bigger.

    With the hurricane season now bearing down on my neighborhood in the Gulf of Mexico, the reality is this: when the first hurricane plows through diaster site and begins to pull tens upon tens upon tens of millions of gallons of that oil up into the atmosphere and throws that polluted shit hundreds of miles inland, only then will millions of people that have been "dealing" with this diaster by watching it unfold from the comfort of their 'You're doing a heckuva job, Obama' apologetic couches sitting in front of their television sets will truly understand just what in the hell has truly happened.

    That hurricane is coming. You can bet on it. And when it does this current diaster will become something for which no word in any known lanuage exists to describe.

