Monday, August 02, 2010

Gallery Neptune to close (and change)

From Elyse Harrison, the hardworking and talented owner and director of Gallery Neptune:
In the spirit of economic realism (but indeed not cultural nourishment), Gallery Neptune will conclude it’s seven year run this summer on August 21st.

The good news though is that elements of the gallery’s programming such as our special events will continue, as will the very important work of Studio Neptune, our 20 year old educational program. In fact, Studio Neptune is positioning itself to go non profit and add a wonderful online component that will reach out to art educators and creative people everywhere.

I want to personally thank all of you who have shown dedicated support in covering our numerous exhibits over these past years. It is truly a labor of love to run an art gallery and our two year old gallery space in the building we so carefully developed is proof that my husband and I are firmly dedicated to inspire through good design and excellent programming.

I hope you remain interested in Studio Neptune’s bounty, as we step forward this fall on our world wide journey.


  1. This is very sad news. Elyse had created a fantastic venue for art and worked tirelessly to showcase area artists. As an artist, her enthusiasm & support was really welcome.
    I hope her work as Studio Neptune is the success it deserves to be.

  2. Having closed a gallery myself, I can attest to the sadness (and the great feeling of relief) this action engenders.

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Thank you Michael and Jack for your comments. I walk away from this part of my work with a great deal of experience which can only serve the next endeavor well. One great thing is that I see how adults need their creative fix as much as children do and therefore Studio Neptune will be a place to provide that. What more could I want than a job which pushes my own creative instincts to work hard for this wonderful cause?

  4. Elyse Harrison4:27 PM

    Woops, that last comment was from me of course. Didn't mean for it to read as Anonymous!

  5. I remember with great fondness the 2006 'cupidity' and 'driven' exhibitions. sorry to hear the gallery as it was is changing. but i am sure the new endeavor will be great with Elyse at the helm.

