Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shame on Springfield, MA

Art censorship covers all sides of the social spectrum in this great nation. Throw in a nude (or in this case, not even a nude) in most public settings around the US and something is bound to go wrong. Even in the Soviet Socialist State of Massachusetts. From the Legal Satyricon:
Censorship — its not just for rednecks

I often rant about the censorship minded former confederacy — but I must admit that my home state of Massachusetts has its share of censorship monkeys. The censorship monkey of the day — the city of Springfield, MA and Gina E. Beavers, director of the Springfield Arts Initiative for the Springfield Business Improvement District (SBID).
Read the entire post with all the details here.

1 comment:

  1. Every day I become more convinced that this damn country IS already under Sharia Law - a Sharia Law that's mutually enforced by paranoid redneck teabaggers on the right and nanny state wannabe fascists on the left.

    Perhaps our courageous president will speak out with great moral clarity on this controversy, as he has done so wonderfully on the Ground Zero mosque controversy.

    Friday night at the White House before a dinner hosted for some of America's most famous controversial artists:

    "This is America. Of course the 1st Amendment protects the right of the artist Robert Markey to paint a stripper on the bottom of a sneaker."

    Later that evening our brave president goes to bed, but can't sleep because he's tossing and turning in a sleepless cold sweat over how Glenn Beck is going to spin his strong and unambiguous affirmation of the 1st Amendment.

    Saturday morning:

    "In my statement last night I wasn't commenting on the WISDOM of the artist Robert Markey painting a stripper on the bottom of a sneaker."

