Monday, October 04, 2010

Folded Christ
"More than 60 people turned out Friday morning to protest one piece in an art exhibit at the Loveland Museum/Gallery in a city nationally recognized for its art-friendly culture.

Holding signs decrying the museum and the City Council and calling the exhibit pornographic, some protesters prayed the rosary out loud while others waved as cars drove by on Lincoln Avenue, honking their horns.

The image in question is a depiction of Jesus Christ involved in what some say is an act of oral sex.

Part of a folded-paper lithograph and woodcut panel depicting cultural icons, the piece, "The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals," was created by California-based artist Enrique Chagoya, a professor at Stanford University."
Ahhh... the never-ending easy artistic shortcut to get attention: somehow screw with the same Christian imagery that Serrano, Offili and countless other artists have used to get some attention.
The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals

The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals by Enrique Chagoya. Color lithograph/woodcut. 7½" x 90". Ed. 30. $3400

You can buy it online here and you can read the full Coloradoan article by Maria Schmitt here.

This piece (which has been exhibited before I gather) now gets the professor national attention. For his next panel, if he wants to get international attention of a diverse nature to say the least, I dare him to do a similar Muhammad panel.

Lo que no mata, engorda.


  1. I think you got this one wrong, Lenny. Enrique Chagoya is a terrific artist. I suggest you read what Leanne Goebel writes in the Huffington Post

  2. OK, OK... I take some of it back... he is a pretty good artist.

    I just have this thing with artists who seem to take the shortcuts to shock... the easy one: offend Christian or Jews... and why this bugs me, I'm not sure, since I'm not religious.

    So I think that I am 87% wrong...



  3. You are a big man, Lenny.
    My take is really a reaction to fundamentalists. Crazy Christians, Jews, and Muslims are responsible for much that is most dangerous in the world today. We should not encourage them.

  4. The media coverage of this "controversy" was amusing. Especially the bit I came across on a Fox News affiliate. None of the talking heads seem to have noticed that Mohammed IS portrayed on one of the panels. He seems to be kneeling before a pair of pigs dressed up like hookers in one of the panels.

  5. Steve!!!

    Excellent catch! Man, I think that you have a whole angle on this story!

  6. Steve,

    Prof. Chagoya says that it is NOT Mohammed, but another version of Christ.

    So there are no Mohammeds in the work of art.

