Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WaPo picks critic

The Post has selected a replacement for their art critic vacancy from "in-house" - did I call it or what?

Update: Stop emailing me asking who it is! The WaPo will announce it soon (there's already an internal memo) - my guess is that the chosen one is that guy who does all the "cultural" writing and architectural criticism... I can't think of his name now... ah... Philip Kennicott. My second guess, if "in-house" also means their new freelancers since Jessica Dawson left, is Kriston Capps.


  1. I'm betting it is the architecture guy...

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Philip Kennicott.

    He started out covering classical music, then became culture critic in 2001. In that spot, he has written about architecture, design, theater, opera and the impact of images in the media.

    He will begin on the new beat May 2.

