Friday, June 10, 2011

Breaking News: Art-O-Matic in Frederick

A large building (belongs to the Frederick County Board of Education and has 27,000 sq feet) has been secured for a Frederick, MD based Art-O-Matic and the event, in all its glory, buzz, impact, detractors and career-making opportunities for artists is expected to take place in historic downtown Frederick in the fall.

I hear that Frederick artist Steven Dobbin and crew have the lead for this project.

I also hear that this will take a lot of leads and guidance from the DC area ArtOMatic.

Also, of special note - Frederick, MD was just rated the 8th top small town arts destination in the country; Congrats!

This kind of event may certainly spike that number!


  1. Rogerrr10:13 AM

    I love the Frederick art scene...especially the Blue Elephant @ 4A W 5th street...

    and the Dragonfly art co-op store at 501 N Market ( intersection of Market St & 5th )

    there are other cool art venues in Frederick, but the Blue Elephant & Dragonfly are the ones I've been involved I know them best

    Frederick is a great day trip from DC....not that far & a lot of scenery on the way

    psst..and if you like Pho there's a good Vietnamese restaurant called "Lucky Corner" at the corner of 7th & Market St a few blocks north of the Dragonfly art store

  2. Rogerrr12:52 PM

    oh...and I forgot to mention that the amazing incredible prolific Artomatic poet BRASH is now the official "Poet in Resonance" at the Blue Elephant Art Center in Frederick

    some of her poetic magic is there right now

  3. Knowing Steven Dobbin, this is going to be a great event. I'm glad to see that he was able to work with Frederick County and Artomatic to make this happen. I've know him as an artist for at least 9 or 10 years now, so I know he has the energy to make things happen.

    And for those collectors out there reading this, buy his art now!

  4. Looking forward to it! :)

