Friday, June 17, 2011

Game of Thrones: WTF?

I still can't believe they executed Ned Stark...


  1. When he and his son, Jon Snow, parted with the words, "When next we meet I will tell you about your mother.",
    I turned to my husband and said, "Oh no, that means he is going to die!"

    I'm so sad and disappointed, though, as he was my absolute favorite character, and until the axe actually swung thought there MUST be a way he will escape...

  2. Cheryl Derricotte6:19 PM

    Novie and Lenny I cannot agree with you more! I loved Ned. He sacrificed the truth to live for his family--for the first time yielded his honor--and got executed anyway!

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Are you familiar with the concept of spoiler alerts?!? Especially important in the age of DVR's....

  4. I am soooo sorry! I thought that I was the only person on this planet who hadn't read Martin's series and was shocked by the development...


  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    No worries... All will be forgiven as long as you don't tell me how "The Killing" ended!

