Saturday, March 10, 2012

C'mon women!

Yesterday I discussed my new digital drawing titled "Eve sees herself for the first time" and I told you that I need help with it!

Wanna be in this piece?

In the pond in front of our Biblical mother, I will insert a digital device which will play 200 portraits of women of all ages, all four races and multiple ethnic backgrounds... if you're a woman interested in being in the piece, send me an email to with your picture... free signed print to all participants!

I've received about 30 submissions so far, but I can load up to 200, so the more the merrier!

Below are some early tests with some of the images received so far (and guys, don't feel bad - the call for assistance for Adam is coming soon):

Test for Eve sees her face for the first time

Eve sees her face for the first time

Eve sees her face for the first time

Eve sees her face for the first time

Eve sees her face for the first time


  1. Hi Lenny, I just emailed you a picture for your project. Love your work!

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What a brilliant concept! I will email you my picture


