Sunday, March 04, 2012

T-Shirt God

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Here's the initial step, a the charcoal drawing of the psychopath Che Guevara, one of my recurring themes. The drawing is on watercolor paper, which gives it that rough texture.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
Ready to acquire a halo

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
Che Guevara with his halo

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
He begins to turn into an icon (is if)... the Latinized inscription reads T-Subula Deus or "T-Shirt God". Notice that I've cut a window in the forehead.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here's the small LCD screen which will be embedded behind the drawing.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here's the final set up, with the LCD screen playing about 75 images of Che's ubiquitous appearances on billions of T-shirts.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here and below are some close-ups of some of the images which rotate through the embedded LCD screen.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello


  1. The combination is humorous and thoughtful...Do you think this will stir viewer emotions as your other Che works have provoked? Looking to click the "like" button!

  2. Rogerrr11:58 AM

    very interesting

    I wonder how something like this can be done without cutting a window in the paper...if the screen...or some form of rear projection is bright enough you could see it through the paper...if the paper is thin enough...the image wouldn't be as clear or bright, but might work in some pieces where you just need a ghostly image

    just a thought..

