Sunday, June 03, 2012

Again with the Brits...

Just noticed that once again one of my drawings from about a decade ago just showed up on Ebay being sold by a British dealer. You can see this preparatory drawing here.

The drawing was done in 2000, and it was actually given to a celebrity collector who owns a lot of my artwork. They have an image of my dedication of the drawing to that person on the Ebay lot descrition - if you Google the person's name you will see immediately who it is. Once again I find it curious that it is now somewhere in Britain being offered on Ebay at a great price.

It's interesting how artwork travels around and how it ends where it does. A few years ago another of my drawings from this same collector showed up in a British auction house. A collector of my work who lives in the UK bought it and also brought it to my attention. He passed that the original owner initially had that particular piece in his London flat, which apparently he had subsequently sold and divested himself of all the stuff, including my artwork, which he had in London.

Someone will great a great deal on this nicely framed male nude.

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