Thursday, July 12, 2012

After Artomatic

The most common criticism levied upon Artomatic, is that because it is lacking the dictatorial. yet benevolent hand of the curator, it is a jumbled universe of so much art and so many artists, that art critics and other art world symbiots soon run out of brain storage and processing power and all they see is kitsch and trash and dreck.

For the past several years, some enterprising independent commercial art galleries from the region have staged their "after" AOM shows, where they have usually showcased the gallery owner's selection of what artists he or she were the top picks of that particular AOM. That's how PostSecret's Frank Warren and WGS' Tim Tate got their first commercial gallery shows.

Some galleries have also taken my AOM selections and organized post-AOM shows based on my picks, the most recent of which you can read here.

And I can tell you that in that post AOM tradition, next month I will be curating a post AOM exhibition at The Edison Place Art Gallery in Washington, DC.  Then the critics can take their critical pot shots at me, the vastly experienced, highly respected, immensely virile and good looking curator, rather than shoot empty, lazy negative word bullets at a show in general.

More news later as I ramp up for putting this show together in record time.

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