Monday, July 23, 2012

Another dissident dies

Leading Cuban dissident Oswaldo Paya Sardinas died in a car accident in Cuba on Sunday. He is the second leading leading Cuban dissident to die in an "accident" this year.

President Obama made the following statement on the subject:
 The President's thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Oswaldo Payá, a tireless champion for greater civic and human rights in Cuba.  Payá  gave decades of his life to the nonviolent struggle for freedom and democratic reform in Cuba as the head of the Christian Liberation Movement, the leader of the Varela Project, and through his role as a civil society activist.  He remained optimistic until the end that the country he loved would see a peaceful and democratic transition.  We continue to be inspired by Payá's vision and dedication to a better future for Cuba, and believe that his example and moral leadership will endure.  The United States will continue to support the Cuban people as they seek their fundamental human rights.
 Castro's workers' Paradise claims another courageous life in the island's struggle to free itself from the yoke of dictators.

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